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Our Start

Vision          |           Accomplishments       |      Contact Us


As President and CEO of Band Preservation Inc, it is my great pleasure to welcome you and share our vision and accomplishments!


Band Preservation, Inc got its start as I sat in a coffee shop listening to recorded music.

Questions started running through my mind -



Bennett Harmon

Where is all the live music going? 

Does anyone even know the history of what they are listening to? 

What about the lost generations of music that come and go each year?

I wonder if any of our schools are

teaching generational music?​

​With the help of many talented educators and artists, Band Preservation became a reality in 2012. Working with local municipalities and school corporations, we have established a philanthropy dedicated to all genres. From classical to concert band; dixieland to 40s swing and more. 

Recently we have included Dance into our fold by educating young artists through cross generational training and intervention. 

Band Preservation will continue to preserve the techniques and styles through education and fellowship.





During the last 7 years our dedication to philanthropic activities has propelled Band Preservation Inc. to new levels of support for the music education community.


Through our efforts we have sponsored many mentorship programs for young musicians as well as educational guidance to further their musical journey.


Band Preservation is proud to continue to offer monetary scholarships to students who strive to continue their musical path through higher education.  


Working with low income students to provide instruments through our Free Lend Lease program allows students to have the instruments they need without causing a financial hardship. I am excited to announce we have shipped out first instruments to Haiti kicking off the start of our international help program for disaster victims.

Visit our News page to hear more about our latest efforts!

Transforming the wellbeing of others through music is truly “Where Music and Philanthropy Meet".


We hope you'll join us!


Bennett Harmon

President and CEO

Band Preservation, Inc


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